Tailor-made insurance solutions to meet the evolving wealth transfer planning needs of HNW clients

We are passionate about protecting and transferring wealth from generation to generation. Working with global private Bankers and wealth advisors, we provide effective life insurance-based intergenerational wealth planning solutions to Help high net worth individuals achieve their financial and legacy succession objectives.

Multi-generational wealth planning are critical to our clients, with managing risks as a key challenge in preserving wealth.
At MGR, we apply life insurance to mitigate these risks as part of our holistic approach to wealth planning. We Provide tailor-made solutions to meet clients’ evolving needs, regardless of their residency.

An effective and well-structured wealth plan will help high net worth clients achieve the following:

Seamless Wealth Transfer

  • Ensure efficient succession planning for multiple generations
  • Avoid costly and time-consuming probate procedures
  • Avoid potential dispute over wills

Asset Protection

  • Protect wealth from potential creditors or third parties
  • Place assets in a structure for confidentiality and security

Tax Optimisation

  • Liquidity planning for tax liabilities on assets encumbered with inheritance tax
  • Tax efficient vehicles for clients residing in jurisdictions with global tax


  • Provide donation to a designated charity organisation


这是一套为了满足富裕客户的财富转移规划需求而量身定做的保险方案。透过与信托机构(Public Trustee)的合作,我们热衷于将财富起到代代相传及保护的作用。基于人寿保险守则,财富顾问提供了充分有效的跨代财富规划方案。帮助高净值人士实现他们的财务管理与继承的目标。




  • 确保数代人有效的继承财富规划
  • 避免昂贵且耗时的遗嘱检验程序
  • 避免潜在的遗嘱争议


  • 从潜在债权人或第三方手中保护财富
  • 将资产置放于结构中以达到保密和安全作用


  • 避免财富因税务问题导致资产萎缩


  • 通过客户成立的私人基金,向指定的慈善机构捐款,使财富变得更具意义